
Installation of MMANA-GAL under Windows10.
pa0nhc 20171117

- Download MMANA-GAL_Basic
- Install it by double clicking on the file name. It will be installed as C:\MMANA-GAL_Basic\..... 

Now some function will not work, as Windows seem to block them.

- Create a new directory from where MMAN-GAL will be started, for instance C:\oldapps\
- Copy the full directory C:\MMANA-GAL_Basic\.....  to that new directory : C:\oldappas\MMANA-GAL_Basic\.....
- Open with "Wordpad" in C:\oldapps\MMANA-GAL_Basic\..... the configuration setup file "MMANA-GAL_Basic.ini"
- In it change the file paths under [DIRECTORY], to the new installation directories, for instance 


- "Save" the configuration setup file (DO NOT change its extension ".ini" , so DO NOT use "Save as")..
- Create
a application starting coupling for application
MMANA-GAL_Basic at the desktop.

------- Difficulties with filling-in LOAD fields --------

REM : The help says : klick LEFT or ENTER on a load field, and a pull-down menu is opened.
But if all load fields are empty, no menu is pulled down.

When all load fields are empty, click RIGTH on a field, and the pull-down menu will be opened.
Then click "Add".
Fill in a value.
Activate that value by pushing the ENTER key.

Success Nico pa0nhc.